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Eggleston’s Southern Soldier Stories reprint has excellent short stories not to be ignored. Though originally from Indiana, and only an “adopted” Virginian, he enlisted int he First Virginia Cavalry at Amelia Courthouse, Virginia on May 9, 1861 at the age of 21 and was paroled near Appomattox on May 21, 1865. 

During this long wartime service, the very literate Eggleston, who had received a college education as a young man, saw service in Northern Virginia, coastal South Carolina and in a company of sharpshooters in the Wilderness Campaign.

A keen observer of both the soldiers and those civilian landowners caught up in the various campaigns, he speaks of his and others experiences in a simple, straightforward and sometimes humorous manner. 

In later life he became an author of note, with a long and distinguished career editing and writing for America’s major periodicals in the North.

This publication specifically compiles 40 short stories along with a last chapter of “random facts.”

Southern Soldier Stories

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